Volition’s team suggested Idol Ninja write up a proposal – they did – and here we are today: modification time! One of the team at Idol Ninja suggested that the Volition team offer up an SDK (Software Development Kit) to the public for Saints Row along with a public contact for developers who had questions about modifications.
What’s going on here is that the team at Idol Ninja were hanging out with the team at Volition play-testing Saints Row IV, having a chat. Will big things happen when Saint’s Row gets mod support from the current studio in charge of the game series? The folks at Idol Ninja Games and Volition seem to think so. ”Some of the ideas we have in store are going to blow people’s minds, and the open world crime genre will never be the same.” – Idol Ninja Games Once the modified game became more popular than the original, the original creators of the game took notice – the modders “Gooseman” and “Cliffe” were contacted by Valve who then began to take part in creating the first real store-bought release. Back when the game Half-Life was introduced, a community of modders changed it into the game we now know as Counter-Strike. What it means to modify a game in today’s hardcore environment of developers is to create a full-on different version of a game.